Food photography tips for bloggers

Food PR and food photography have recently gained popularity.

Photography has always been one of those areas that I vow to do better, take a class, learn how to “use my big girl camera” … etc. Can you relate at all? I bought some books, studied some Youtube editing classes, but at the end of the day it all still seemed overwhelming. Guys, I was even using my PHONE’s photo apps to edit my images that I would take with my nice camera. Aside from not being quality I was proud of, it was taking me FOREVER. That’s a little embarrassing to share but I’m just being real here.

So when I saw that my favorite blogger (along with her photo hubby) released a  seriess of videos all about taking better photos for blogging, welp, I almost cried. THANK YOU UNIVERSE. I signed up (obviously). I watched her adorable videos and took notes like a good student. It only took me about 30 minutes to get through the entire course. AND guess what? I applied what I learned immediately. Not only did my photos look much better, I saved myself hours of editing time. Yay for that!

From styling secrets like best backdrops and photo shoot hacks (hello fake ice Want to step up your food photography game? These are the food photography tips for bloggers I used to totally revamp my food content and up-level by blog.!), Ashley is sharing it all. They also walk you through helpful camera settings and editing basics.

The main reason I’m sharing cool photo school with you is that it breaks it all down into simple steps that you can being applying right away. So, if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed or determined to “do better” on the photo-front, grab the videos. You won’t be sorry. I just wish I had them sooner!


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